Hello! When I started writing my next book, SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS, it had a different title: TREE OF LIFE. I had carefully chosen that title because it works on many levels in the book (once you read it, you’ll understand) but as often happens, book titles change. I love the new title, but the funny thing about it is that when I post about it or send emails about it, I realize it’s not a good idea to use the title as a subject line. Anyway, I say that because as I’m writing this post, I realize using the title for a blog post header might cause some alarm.
What I’m NOT sorry about is some bragging I’m going to do about the book. I’m thrilled that the book has already gotten some amazing advanced praise.

Amazing, right? Speaking of research, I have added a page that outlines some of the research I did for this book, including some behind-the-scenes photos from a real funeral home. I’ve also added links for further reading and research, should you be like me and want to know even more about the fascinating subject of funerals and what happens to us when we die.
If you’re wondering what (and who!) inspired me to write this book, check out the cover reveal I did over at POP! Goes the Reader. I’ll wait here.
Now that you’re back, look at this:
“OF COURSE, humor”. Thank you to Lisa and Adam for your kind words about this book. Thank you for indulging me in a little bragging. I worked hard on this book and absolutely can’t wait until it gets out into the world. But before you go, I’d appreciate it if you’d add the book to your Goodreads TBR list. And if you’re inspired to do so, you can even pre-order the book from Bookshop.org, from Orca directly, your local Canadian indie bookstore, Indigo, or, you know, that other place.